This is Thursday, May 11

my heart is reeling, this is that fresh, that fresh feeling.

Hello, hello.

It's been simply ages since we last talked. How the heck are ya?
The recent things worth talking about are a-plenty this time around. Where to begin? Let's start with my weekend.

I went to South Carolina for my oldest friend's wedding. It was amazing. Her mom has apparently been saving up for this for quite a while. Horse drawn carriages through a plantation courtyard to seat guests. Multiple string quartets. Ice sculptures. The works. It was very impressive. The hard part of it was the fact that my friend is 26 and her new husband is 41. He's the nicest guy in the world and they gog reat together, it's just that age gap. It seems so....gaping.

So I took a flight early Sunday morning home so Pandia could sleep and get to her Cats rehearsal, and then Monday was an odd day. All week I've been having a hard time focusing on work, and in the midst of my feeble attempt in the afternoon, I start hearing this loud "Boom!". Each time it sounds different, but it goes on for about an hour. Finally, I get up to yell at what I think to be kids beating on something outside my apartment, when I open the door and see the least likely explanation for the booms: one of the maintenance men from my complex is on the 3rd floor dragging furniture out of an aparment across the parking lot and dumping it over the 3rd floor balcony onto the pavement below, causing big wooden pieces to shatter everywhere.

My guess is that the tenant(s) there were deemed MIA and they were cleaning the place to rerent it. An hour later, when I came back out......everything had been cleared out, like what I witnesses hadn't really happened.

Later that night I had to go pick up Pandia from Cats rehearsal at 10:30 at Metcalf South Mall. Let me tell you, a "Dead Mall", as it's called, is a freaky place at night. When I walked in, I heard faint elevator music (as one would in a mall), and I could hear a fountain in the distance, yet there was scarce light and nary a soul was around. So I walk around, not sure where to find my lady, when I see all these old stores that were abandoned. County Seat, Champs Sports, Mr. Bukly's, JP Todds, The Limited, etc. All abandonded with a few pieces of furniture behind the metal grates. The thing that scared the crap out of me was this: The mall was in immaculate condition. It looked as though there was a cleaning staff 24/7 to keep it nice and neat like the mall was fully operational. But it wasn't. There were no lights on hardly at all, the fountain was clean and clear, the floor was spotless and there were no stores around that actually were selling things. So creepy. I was just waiting for a mannequin wearing a suit and a Santa hat to come alive and chace me with a hatchet. Or a creepy clown on a tricycle coming after me.

A piece of advice for all those interested in checking out Metcalf South (which should be ALL of you) -- bring a loaded gun. One could easily be taken hostage by the supernatural workings of dead mall mannequins.



Blogger Devin said...

Good lord its depressing to see how such eventful and insightful blogs go uncommented.

Tis exactly why I do nothing with my blogspot.

May 25, 2006 8:00 PM  

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