This is Friday, March 3

" 'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door; Only this, and nothing more."

You gotta love how tv news is shaping up these days. Last night Pandia popped in for a snuggle and drink and we watched some late-night news on channel 9. Primetime was the show. The topic? Polygamy.

Woman Who Escaped Polygamous Sect Revisits Her Past

What the heck? A woman wants to go back to her "home" of 1 husband, 15+ wives and close to 75 children? That deserves a big ole WTF! I mean, seriously, this guy says that it's tough to manage multiple relationships and that he feels polygamy suits the needs of a man better then monogamy or bachelorhood (which he claims he has a huge problem with).

I'm a man in one single commited relationship and I have a doosey of a time trying to keep it in good working order. My girlfriend even agrees that it's tough. We can't do this on our own and the thought of trying to maintain more than one...That's just crazy talk!

So here's the question: Polygamy? Good? Bad? Justifiable or a free ticket to Crazy McLooney;s Ranch?


Anonymous Thomas Rye said...

So good. Yet, so bad. Free ticket, no doubt. (just kidding about the so good part)

March 05, 2006 3:50 PM  

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