This is Monday, March 6

Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent. - Epictetus

Ah food, the joy of life. Are there certain foods that just don't taste good to you? I have a few, but it seems as of late that it's not a good thing that I don't like certain foods. I hate corn, though it has nothing to do with the taste, it stems from an oddity from my childhood. Ask me later. But I also don't like cooked fruit. I like fruit fruit, but I don't like dried fruit and I don't like cooked fruit. It's weirde, I guess, but the rest of the world apparently swoons over cooked fruit in pies and such.

I just don't have a sweet tooth. Is that so wrong? I can inhale a huge bag of potato chips and never come close to curbing my salt cravings, but when it comes to sweet stuff, even chocolate, it's just hohum to me.

However, just like everyone does, I'm choosing to overcome my dislike for cooked sugar and move to a higher ground, as it were. I did it with lettuce (the evil leaf of bugs) and I shall reign supreme once again.

Don't mess with AC Slater.


Anonymous Devin said...

you were right.....*cries*

March 06, 2006 10:40 PM  
Anonymous Dev..again said...

that one works a bit better.

March 06, 2006 10:41 PM  

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